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Halo ‘s arsenal consists of weapons from science fiction. The game has been praised for giving each weapon a unique purpose, thus making each useful in different scenarios. In contrast to the large weapon inventories of contemporary FPS games, Halo players may carry only two weapons at once, calling for players to make tactical decisions when managing firearms.

Halo departs from traditional FPS conventions by not forcing the player character to holster its firearm before deploying grenades or melee-range blunt instruments ; instead, both attacks can be utilized while a gun is still equipped, supplanting or supplementing small-arms fire.

The game’s main enemy force is the Covenant , a group of alien species allied by belief in a common religion. Their forces include Elites , fierce warriors protected by recharging energy shields similar to the player’s own; Grunts , which are short, cowardly creatures who are usually led by Elites in battle, and often flee in terror instead of fighting in the absence of a leading Elite; Jackals , originally space pirates, who wear a highly durable energy shield on one arm and a form of handgun on the other; and Hunters , large, powerful creatures composed of small worm-like colonies with thick armor plates that cover the majority of their bodies and a large assault cannon that fires explosive rounds of green plasma.

Sentinels are able to hover around in enclosed spaces and produce an energy shield when under attack. They lack durability, but use powerful laser weapons and are immune to infection by the Flood. The artificial intelligence in Halo has been favorably received. A split screen mode allows two players to cooperatively play through Halo ‘ s campaign. Although the Xbox version of Halo lacks official support for online multiplayer play, third-party packet tunneling software provide unofficial ways around this limitation.

Halo: Combat Evolved takes place in a 26th-century science fiction setting. The planet Reach serves as an interstellar hub of scientific and military activity. More than twenty years before the beginning of the game, a technologically advanced collective of alien races called the Covenant begins a religious war against humanity, declaring them an affront to their gods. Humanity’s military experiences a series of crushing defeats; although the Spartans are effective against the Covenant, they are too few in number to turn the tide.

In , Covenant forces attack Reach and destroy the colony. The ship initiates a jump to slip-space, hoping to lead the enemy away from Earth. The game begins as the Pillar of Autumn exits slip-space and its crew discovers a large ringworld structure of unknown origin. The Covenant pursues the Autumn and attacks. With the ship heavily damaged, the Autumn ‘s captain, Jacob Keyes , entrusts the ship’s artificial intelligence AI known as Cortana to Master Chief in order to prevent the Covenant from discovering the location of Earth.

Keyes orders the crew to abandon the Autumn and pilots the ship to a crash-landing on the ringworld. On the ring’s surface, Master Chief and Cortana rescue scattered survivors and help organize a counter-offensive against the Covenant. Learning that Keyes has been captured by the Covenant, Master Chief and a small contingent of soldiers rescue him from the Covenant cruiser Truth and Reconciliation. Keyes reveals that the Covenant call the ringworld ” Halo ” and that they believe it to be a weapon.

Intent on stopping the Covenant from using Halo, Keyes searches for a potential weapons cache, while Master Chief and Cortana mount an assault on the ringworld’s control room. Cortana enters Halo’s computer systems and, after discovering something horrifying, sends Master Chief to find and stop Keyes from continuing his search and uncovering what lies within the ring.

Searching for the captain, Master Chief encounters a new enemy, the parasitic Flood. After Master Chief retrieves the ring’s activation index, Guilty Spark transports him back to Halo’s control room. Cortana intervenes before Master Chief can activate the ring; she has discovered the purpose of the installation is to destroy all sentient life in the galaxy, starving the Flood of potential hosts.

To stop Halo’s activation, Master Chief and Cortana decide to destroy the installation. He finds that Keyes has been assimilated by the Flood, and retrieves the neural implant from the captain’s remains. Master Chief and Cortana destabilize the Autumn ‘ s reactors, narrowly escaping the ensuing detonation in a fighter. Cortana justifies their actions to destroy the Covenant fleet and stop the Flood threat and believes the fight is finished, but Master Chief states they are only getting started.

In a post-credits scene , Guilty Spark is seen floating in space, having survived the ring’s destruction. Halo was initially conceived as an indirect successor to Bungie ‘s previous first-person shooter games, Marathon and Marathon 2: Durandal.

According to company co-founder Alex Seropian , certain motifs of both Halo and the Marathon series, such as their similar protagonists and representation of artificial intelligence, stemmed from a common stylistic archetype. Undecided about further entries in the Marathon series, the team was willing to try something new. Concurrently, the team explored the concept of a vehicular combat game that featured tank battles in a futuristic setting, [27] internally dubbed “The Giant Bloody War Game”.

The team was enthusiastic about that prospect and proceeded to cancel their first-person shooter project—to commit to the creation of “The Giant Bloody War Game”. Around this time, Bungie comprised around 15 people working in south Chicago , Illinois.

Experimenting with ways of controlling units, Bungie added a mode that attached the camera to individual units. The vantage point continually moved closer to the units as the developers realized it would be more fun for players to drive the vehicles themselves, rather than have the computer do it.

By mid the game had become a third-person shooter. Days before the Macworld announcement, Blam! Though some did not like the name—likening it to something religious, or a women’s shampoo—designer Marcus Lehto said, “it described enough about what our intent was for this universe in a way that created this sense of mystery.

The game’s premise at this point involved a human transport starship that crash-lands on a mysterious ringworld. Early versions of the Covenant arrive to loot what they can, and war erupts between them and the humans. Unable to match the technologically advanced alien race, the humans resort to guerrilla warfare. When Halo was shown at E3 in June , it was still a third-person shooter. Bungie’s financial situation during Halo ‘ s development was precarious. A glitch that caused Myth II to wipe the contents of the directory it was installed to was only discovered after , copies had already been produced for the December launch.

Still facing financial difficulties, Bungie’s Tamte contacted Ed Fries , the head of Microsoft Game Studios , about a possible acquisition.

Fries was working on developing the software lineup for Microsoft’s first game console, the Xbox. In less than a year, Bungie had to turn Halo from a loose collection of gameplay and plot ideas into a shipping product on an unproven console.

To make players feel more connected to the action, Jason Jones pushed to turn the game’s perspective from third-person to first-person. Spearheading the effort, designer Jaime Griesemer wrote code to discern player intent and assist the player’s movement and aiming without being obvious. The game buffered player inputs so that the result was the desired player movement, rather than the movement players were actually making.

Other Bungie projects were scrapped, and their teams absorbed into Halo in the rush to complete it. Griesemer said that after the Bungie team moved to the Microsoft campus in Redmond, Washington , he was so busy he did not unpack his belongings for six months. The success of gameplay on this small chunk of the game energized the team, and B30 became ” The Silent Cartographer “, the fourth mission.

To make the release date, Bungie made drastic cuts to the game’s features and scope. One level was cut and replaced with an expositional cutscene. To save time, Lehto suggested reusing campaign levels; glowing directional arrows were added after playtesters got lost backtracking.

Only four months before release, it was decided that the multiplayer was still not fun, so it was scrapped and rebuilt from scratch, using team members who moved from the defunct Bungie West team after completing Oni.

Bungie’s social culture—and the rush to complete the game—meant that team members provided input and feedback across disciplines. Bungie hired Shi Kai Wang as an additional artist to refine Lehto’s designs. Spearheaded by Paul Russell, the game’s visual design changed in response to the changing gameplay and story. The artists made efforts to distinguish each faction in the game by their architecture, technology, and weaponry.

Staten told O’Donnell that the music should give a feeling of ancient mystery. Development involved the creation of “alternative middle sections that could be transitioned to if the game called for such a change i. O’Donnell sat with the level designers to walk through the levels, constructing music that would adapt to the gameplay rather than be static; “The level designer would tell me what he hoped a player would feel at certain points or after accomplishing certain tasks.

Ed Fries described the period before the Xbox’s launch as chaotic; “You’ve got to imagine this environment of panic combined with adrenaline, but money’s mostly no object at the same time. So we were spending lots of it, trying to do all this crazy stuff,” he recalled. Artificial Intelligence were scrapped it became clear that Halo had to serve as the tentpole title for the Xbox, [29] a role which the game was never intended to fill.

Halo ‘ s debut had been well-received, but its move to the unproven Xbox console caused press treatment to be colder than it was before. Even within Microsoft, Halo was divisive. Science fiction author Eric S. Nylund penned the novel in seven weeks.

Written by William C. Dietz , this novel appeared on the Publishers Weekly bestsellers list during May While Halo was not an instant runaway success on release, it had a long tail sales rate and a very high attach rate for the Xbox; [29] during the two months following Halo ‘ s release, the game sold alongside more than fifty percent of Xbox consoles. Halo received “universal acclaim”, according to review aggregator Metacritic , based on reviews from 68 professional critics.

It has been surpassed. The Xbox Version of Halo received more than 40 awards. It was a runner-up in the “Best Sound” category. Next Generation reviewed the Xbox version of the game, rating it five stars out of five, and stated that “If you didn’t think there was a reason to buy an Xbox, Halo will change your mind. Although Halo ‘ s overall reception was largely positive, the game received criticism for its level design. GameSpy commented, “you’ll trudge through countless hallways and control rooms that all look exactly the same, fighting identical-looking groups of enemies over and over and over The first half is fast, exciting, beautifully designed and constantly full of surprises.

The second half is festooned with gobsmacking plot twists and great cinematics but let down by repetitive paint by numbers level design. Halo has been praised as one of the greatest video games of all time , [95] [96] and was ranked by IGN as the fourth-best first-person shooter made.

Halo is credited with modernizing the FPS genre. Day further wrote that Halo spurred a sustained trend of many other FPS console games. In addition, the game inspired and was used in the fan-created Red vs. Blue video series, which is credited as the “first big success” of machinima the technique of using real-time 3D engines, often from video games, to create animated films. Custom maps can be both single and multiplayer. During the Microsoft press conference at the E3 Expo , it was revealed that Halo: Combat Evolved would be remade by Industries with an in-house game engine and would include achievements, Terminals, and Skulls.

It was released for the Xbox on November 15, The release date marks the 10th anniversary of the original game’s release. The single-player game is identical to the Xbox version, including the ability to swap between the updated “anniversary” graphics and the original game graphics. However, unlike the Xbox release, the multiplayer component is the original multiplayer engine from Combat Evolved as opposed to Halo: Reach and is playable over Xbox Live.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Martin O’Donnell Michael Salvatori. November 15, NA : December 3, [5]. NA : November 15, See also: Factions of Halo and List of Halo characters. See also: Factions of Halo. Main article: Halo Original Soundtrack. Main article: Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary.

March 14, Archived from the original on October 17, Retrieved May 20, CBS Interactive. Archived from the original on May 11, Retrieved June 22, Archived from the original on November 28, Retrieved November 21, Archived from the original on June 26, Retrieved August 22, Archived from the original on October 20, Archived from the original on August 3, Retrieved September 6, Ziff Davis.

Archived from the original on May 2, Microsoft Game Studios. Archived from the original PDF on December 15, Retrieved June 23, Archived from the original on October 30, Retrieved July 25, Archived from the original on January 26, Retrieved January 19, Future Publishing. November 29, Archived from the original on October 14, Archived from the original on October 28, Retrieved September 8, October 17, Archived from the original on September 29, Archived from the original on September 26, Halo : the essential visual guide.

London: Dorling Kindersley. ISBN Archived from the original on March 28, Retrieved September 2, Archived from the original on April 27, Retrieved September 7, Game Revolution. Archived from the original on September 27, September 15, Archived from the original on June 22, Retrieved June 26, Archived from the original on November 8, Archived from the original on September 3, Archived from the original on May 12, Retrieved May 12, Gamer Network.

Archived from the original on May 13, Halo Patch Drops GameSpy”. Rock, Paper, Shotgun. Archived from the original on May 19, Retrieved May 19, Archived PDF from the original on June 9, Xbox Nation : 70— Alameda, California : Cybex. Vice Media. Archived from the original on March 15, Retrieved March 27, O Brave New World. Archived from the original on April 9, Retrieved July 14, Archived from the original on October 12, Retrieved June 19, December 9, Archived from the original on January 19, Retrieved November 18, The Art of Halo.

New York: Del Ray Publishing. Archived from the original on November 23, Retrieved October 9, Northwestern Magazine. Archived from the original on November 12, Archived from the original on August 7, Retrieved August 31, Halo “. PC Gamer : Archived from the original on May 15, Retrieved November 1, Computer Gaming World. Archived from the original on October 21, Inside Mac Games. Archived from the original on August 15, PC Gamer. Next Generation. If you’re watching a video on YouTube and get a text message, you can bring up your messaging app in a mini window, respond to the text, and get back to YouTube without having to exit it and re-buffer your video.

Sounds pretty awesome, right? With the help of an Xposed module and an app from Google Play, you can get floating windows and chat head bubbles on your Samsung Galaxy S4 in no time. From the Xposed Installer, tap on Download to enter the repository of modules.

Search for XHaloFloatingWindow by developer zst The installer will pop up as soon as the download finishes. Simply press the Install button in the lower right corner, then Done once it finishes.

Tap on it to head to Xposed’s Modules page also accessible from Xposed’s main menu, if you accidentally clear or miss the notification. Look for XHaloFloatingWindow and check the box. Now we have ParanoidAndroid’s floating window feature, but we still need to get the “bubble” notifications to trigger Halo.

To do so, we’ll be using Floatifications , by developer Rob J. It’s available for free on the Google Play Store, so simply download and install it from there. Floatifications gives you notifications in the form of bubbles, just like the ones you would find in ParanoidAndroid. It is a trial version and you get a whole two weeks to play around with it. Otherwise, you can try another free option like Portal , a very similar app with Halo support.

Open up Floatifications from your app drawer. First thing we’ll need to do is enable it as an Accessibility Service. Tap on App Notifications , and you’ll get an alert prompting you to do so.


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