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Wincc web navigator server download

WinCC options are evidence of the modular expandability and the universal application of WinCC which is the core for a whole range of different applications.
As the basic WinCC software they are supported by the technical advisory service and the central hotline. To be able to meet growing requirements, the visualization must be expandable at any time without causing technology incompatibilities or requiring completely new configurations.
Investment protection is a top priority. Redundancy solutions for highest availability and security can be built up as well. In addition to scalable configurations, WinCC options and AddOns offer customer-fit extensions for technological and industry specific solutions. A multi-user system is used whenever the same process is to be monitored at several operator stations. When the Option is used, several operator control and monitoring stations are coordinated to operate together with networked automation systems.
The server supplies the connected clients with process and archive data, messages, pictures and logs. The result of an operator action at one operator station, for example, changing a value or message acknowledgment, is immediately available to all other operator stations. Clients provide access to all servers in the system. The server establishes the connection to the automation system, handles the communication and coordination of the clients, and performs all archiving in the integrated Microsoft SQL database.
WinCC clients access the configuration data of the server directly. Access rights are used to define the functions or plant sections that are available to a user on an operator station. The configured authorizations are user-related, not computer-related.
They therefore work with all operator stations with the same login. It is possible to increase system availability by means of redundancy for applications with WinCC by using. You will need one of the two redundancy licenses from the delivery kit of the options package for each redundant partner server. If one of the two server computers fails, the second server assumes control of the entire system. After the failed server is operative again, the contents of all message, process value and user archives as well as internal tags are synchronized online.
In all, this leads to significantly higher system availability. You production remains online, even if a server should fail. Normally, two WinCC stations or process data servers run completely in parallel, which means each station has its own process connection and own archives. The clients that are connected to the servers can be distributed to the servers as required, which leads to a reduced load.
When one of the two WinCC stations fails, the other takes over the archiving of messages, process data and user data. This ensures complete data integrity. This ensures continuous plant visualization and operation on every operator station. When a failed partner is restored, all of the archived process values, messages including statuses, acknowledgements, lists and comments , data from the user archive of the failure period and internal tags are automatically synchronized with the partner in the background — without affecting the running system.
The clients connected to the servers are distributed among their original server partners again. The automatic switchover to the redundant partner takes place not only when a server fails, but also in case of disturbed S7 process communication or faulty applications. Two communications processors are plugged in and the communication paths are doubled.
Combining the system solutions creates a security concept that meets even high demands. It serves as central long-term archive for any amount of process data and messages from different data sources. In addition to this, Web clients can also be used as normal operator stations on the LAN. Operator control and monitoring of a WinCC project via the Internet or an intranet is possible from any Windows computers, which are referred to as WebNavigator clients. Only MS Internet Explorer is required on the client side.
Simultaneous access to multiple Web servers and thus to multiple plants is even possible if this is started multiple times or its multi-tabbing functionality is used. All Web operator stations are integrated into the user administration of the system.
Authorization levels govern whether an operator can simply monitor the plant view only or has partial or full authorization for operator control and monitoring. Every login and logout can be traced via system events. For applications with very strict security requirements, logout after a user-defined time span is just as important as the ability to disable key combinations when it comes to security.
Inexpensive but lower-performance Windows PCs, rugged on-site devices e. Only minimum requirements are placed on the hardware here because the entire application, i. These are optimally suited for use in harsh industrial environments. Flexible remote diagnostics The WebDiagnostics client was designed for maintenance and service of widely distributed plants. In this case, the Web licensing is made for a diagnostic client locally on a service computer instead of on the system servers.
Through the diagnostic client, the service technician has secure access to any number of plants that have a WebNavigator server. Advantages of this solution:. Web server farms allow the number of Web clients to be increased as needed.
A server-based license is required for the WebNavigator. This is a graduated license based on the number of simultaneous Web client accesses, which can be incremented at any time using additive Web client licenses.. The WebNavigator client software can be installed as many times as required without the need for a license. A client-based license is required for the WebNavigator diagnostics. This provides access to all Web servers with WebNavigator server WebNavigator diagnostic server license.
No installation on the client end is required for using WebUX. This flexible access to process and plant data expands the control center that is the standard today; it also gives users the option to purely monitor or operate depending on the area of application. Individual access to production data gives users.
The diverse supported network topologies and transmission protocols allow a flexible configuration according to individual requirements. The software can be individually adapted to the requirements of a plant. The uniform user interface for local and remote processes minimizes the risk of errors. The uniform user interface for local and remote processes minimizes expenditure and the probability of errors.
Support of communication media with – serial interface, e. Network topologies — point-to-point, multidrop multi-user mode and hierarchical network structures. The Engineering Software is delivered with a Floating License which allows you to install the software on as many computers as you like. The Runtime Software is delivered with a Single License for one server and allows the connection to a defined number of stations according to the chosen package. Manufacturing processes are becoming more and more complex against a background of ever increasing quality requirements coupled with fast product changes and frequent modifications.
To ensure the highest possible productivity at the same time, it has to be possible to make prompt, target-oriented decisions regarding process optimization at all levels of a company.
This requires an integrated flow of information across all operating levels and locations. The intelligent use of information improves the processes in the company for a fast return on investment. This reduces costs, avoids waste, improves the utilization of production facilities and ultimately guarantees better efficiency and cost effectiveness for the company. WinCC and its automation partners e. An operator, for example, can enter parameter sets the operating parameters of a machine in WinCC, store them in the user archive and forward them to the automation level as needed.
On the other hand, an automation system can continuously acquire production parameters during a shift and send them to WinCC at the end of the shift. Further application examples are the acquisition of batch data, the specification of production parameters or the administration of storage management data. WinCC user archives are conveniently created in a separate editor and preallocated with data. Special ActiveX Controls, which are integrated in the object palette of WinCC Graphics Designer, are used to display data from the user archives during runtime.
These controls can also run on the WebNavigator in an Internet environment. The coupling of data sets and fields from user archives to the process is easily done via direct tag connection. The system records all the change data in a secure database known as the Audit Trail.
You can view the Audit Trail using the Audit Viewer. The engineering measures that are necessary for making validation easier are documented in a white paper. Apart from this, plant operators can individually record specific events by means of an audit entry function:. The Audit Trail database stores all the change data that is subject to document control; this includes user actions, confi guration changes and other changes.
Components of Audit Trails include:. The system visualizes the Audit Trail data by means of the Audit Viewer.
Operators use filters to selectively set the desired view of the Audit Trail data and they can export this data to an Excel file. The Audit Trail data is stored securely on a tamper-proof basis and this means that you cannot change or delete it.
Document control involves process pictures, scripts and log layouts and customer-specific documents. The entire monitoring process can be activated very easily and conveniently. This means that in the case of plant standstills, for example, plant engineers and operators can quickly and easily comprehend the changes that have been made to the plant.
This supports trouble-shooting and reduces plant downtimes. WinCC data including the project database, project files e. In this way all changes made to a plant beginning from the production start and continuing throughout the entire life cycle can be recorded and – using defined versions – be documented.
The license is valid for one engineering station and an operator station, for wich an audit trail is to be generated. Historical plant data can be simply compiled in web-based dashboards or reports without programming knowledge. This ensures comprehensive access to plant information for each target group in the company managers, quality assurance, maintenance at all times.
With the WinCC Performance Monitor, plant-specific key figures for individual devices, machines, or entire production lines can be calculated and analyzed in machine or line-oriented production plants.
Standardization of new systems by defining control-based status information to calculate key figures. Adding additional plant performance indicators out of existing process data during the on-going operation.
Wincc web navigator server download. SIEMENS SIMATIC WinCC options WinCC WebNavigator
WINCC/WEB NAVIGATOR V, SERVER AND CLIENT COMPONENTS, W. 3 CLIENT LICENSES, OPTION F. WINCC V, RUNTIME-SW, SINGLE LICENSE. SIMATIC WinCC/Web Navigator Client V+HF2, free download. SIMATIC WinCC/Web Navigator Client V+HF2: Medical Solutions, Siemens AG. Cant find a Liscence that will work with wincc webnavigator Homeroid_BL писал(а): But where you can download Web Navigator V? is a part of WinCC.