Promote, Facilitate and Support Advancement of

Knowledge, Skills, Research and Interest in Child Development and Developmental Disorders in Children

Notice 2024

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SLACD - Sri Lanka Association for Child Development

SLACD is the first professional association in Sri Lanka dedicated to Child Development.

The purpose of the SLACD shall be to promote, facilitate and support advancement of knowledge and skills; research and interest in child development and developmental disorders in children. The SLACD will strive to apply these purposes for the welfare of children concerned, their families and the community through activities determined by the Council of the SLACD.

Targets and Strategies

  • Promote literacy in child development
  • Develop programmes
  • Improve level of detection and intervention
  • Share resources
  • Respond to demand and public expectation
  • Training workshops
  • Regional meetings
  • Directory of services
  • Recognise special groups
  • Play an advocacy role
  • Academic and Scientific events

Breaking Barriers: Empowering Lives through the Disability Secretariat Hotline

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Disability Secretariat Hotline

011 280 67 06


President message

It is with great pleasure I pen this message as the president of the Sri Lanka Association for Child Development for 2024 and 2025. I am deeply honoured by the trust, faith, and confidence the membership has bestowed upon me and I accept this role with utmost humility. I wish to salute the past presidents and the councils for the guidance and support given to me during the last few years. I should respectfully acknowledge the dedicated work done by the past councils and the membership to uplift the SLACD to its present level, always in silence without expecting any glory in return.

Sri Lanka is facing one of its worst economic crises in recent decades. The theme of the SLACD 2024/25 is “Preventing the preventable for a better nation” will certainly address the early detection of differently abled children in Sri Lanka as well as empowering the membership who are the stakeholders in the management of these children by updating knowledge and skills. We hope that our interventions will help to showcase the hidden talents of these children and to streamline the process for them to become more productive young adults during this crucial period of an economic downturn in our country.

In concurrence with the theme, we have planned projects to address the areas of early detection and intervention of cerebral palsy, Autism Spectrum Disorders and Down syndrome. The early detection and intervention will prevent complications and social problems related to schooling and working with the people in the community. Our main target during the next two years would be to achieve these goals through a solid plan with the unyielding dedication and support of the members of the council and the membership.

SLACD is a multi–disciplinary professional organization and is a unique forum working in the field of child development and disability in Sri Lanka. It works in collaboration with the local and international collaborators. The Ministry of Health, education and social services and the Family Health Bureau of Sri Lanka are the main government sector collaborators and the CDB is the main cooperate sector collaborator. I would like to thank the CDB for its generous contributions to the endevours that the SLACD initiated for the betterment of the differently abled children in Sri Lanka. We also collaborate with our international partner the IAACD in par with their activities with mutual understanding.

I invite all members of the SLACD to join hands with my council and myself to make these endeavours truly successful. Let’s embark on this challenging two years ahead together, knowing we might have to face unexpected obstacles but with the true spirit of unity and strength to overcome them and to achieve the best for the membership and for the differently abled children in our country.

Sri Lanka association for child development (SLACD) was founded in 2012 as a multi –disciplinary professional organization, as a unique forum working in the field of child development and disability in Sri Lanka.

Though we are very limited in our outreach and community activities due to COVID pandemic, we have been able to conduct a series of webinars on a range of topics dedicated to educate the professionals as well as parents and public. We managed to celebrate a vibrant downs syndrome day in March 2021 with a limited crowd and share with a wider audience virtually.

We have launched a new pragramme to translate our educational webinars to Tamil for the benefit of our own Tamil speaking brotherhood, which will be a strong bridge to fill a wide gap of learning material in Tamil.

We were able to connect with children of the nation, differently abled and otherwise alike in our children’s day programme 2021 where kids sent their amazing talents virtually for us to share and appreciate. This wonderful programme connected us with so many kids and professionals and we got a response we never expected, kids all over the country sending a stunning 600 odd videos over a matter of 2 weeks which we shared in streamyard over 2 months.

SLACD is in collaboration with the co-operate sector for the benefit of children. Hand in hand with CDB we are planning to build intervention centers for disabled children in Badulla and Kandy.

Thus SLACD is exploring and finding new strengths in the trying conditions that prevail. We believe that staying together we can rise to unthinkable heights through multisector and multidisciplinary collaboration, making a better world for our kids.

Prof Aruna de Silva.

MBBS, DCH, MD (Paed)

Consultant Paediatrician & Professor in Paediatrics,

Teaching Hospital Karapitiya and University of Ruhuna,

6th Biennial Scientific Conference

Await for more details in near future

What We Do

We have conducted multiple awareness programmes on neurodevelopmental disorders, early diagnosis and early interventions for the general public as well as health care workers. Our work targets the families of children with disabilities, preschool teachers, mid wives and other primary health care workers. Each year we have been able to steer special programmes in parallel to World Down Syndrome day and World Autism Day.

We have taken the initiative in conducting an array of workshops to health care workers and other groups of interest who work closely with children like teachers, preschool teachers and midwives. The main goals of the workshops are to deliver evidence based knowledge and practices and to build up skills needed in recognizing, identifying and managing children with disabilities and neurodevelopment disorders. We work with other stake holders both in public and private sector and provide expertise needed for building capacity and skill development.

We have conducted several outreach programmes to bridge the gap in other districts including Jaffna, Anuradhapura, Kurunegala where most services may not be readily available.

  1. Sensory garden in District General Hospital Ampara
  2. “Pragathi” Child Intervention Centre in Teaching Hospital Anuradhapura
  3. A therapeutic play area for the neurology clinic in Teaching Hospital Karapitiya
We partnered with Citizen Development Business Finance PLC through the Autism Trust Fund. We have provided our expertise in developing resource materials to raise awareness about Autism Spectrum Disorder. There are multiple resource materialsincluding short videos and posters in all three languages on information on early identification of Autism Spectrum Disorder.    

We are determined to practice and facilitate evidence based medicine and interventions. Therefore, we promote workshops and scientific forums to bring up discussions on child development.

We hold our scientific conference biennially which serves as a platform to present research and engage in scientific sessions. Both local and overseas resource persons are invited to share their recent work updating the knowledge on child development.

We are the only professional body in Sri Lanka which acts as a multi disciplinary association. We have Paediatricians, Paediatric Neurologists, Psychiatrists, Child and adolescent psychiatrists, Community Paediatricians, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech and language pathologists, Psychologists, Social workers, Behaviour therapists and teachers committed for a common goal of serving children with neurodevelopment problems and enhancing typical child development to make a brighter and inclusive tomorrow.

We work together with both government and private sectors and professional bodies to facilitate and share latest knowledge in child development. Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians, Sri Lanka College of Child and adolescent psychiatrists, Sri Lanka Association for Speech and Language Pathologists are some of the organizations we work closely with.

We participate in consultancy meetings and discussions held in order to develop facilities
and services for children with disabilities.

With the support of Autism Trust Fund, we support families of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. We also organize events and campaigns to support and uplift thesefamilies.

Every other year at our biennial scientific conference we give out ten star awards for children with disabilities and neurodevelopment disorders for their achievements. We make sure in all our activities they are given the opportunity to share their experience and talents.

What We Do


— Raise Awareness

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— We Build Networks

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— We Strengthen

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— We Educate

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— We Provide Care

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— We Consult

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