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Set in the zombie apocalypse, Left 4 Dead 2 L4D2 is the highly anticipated sequel to the award-winning Left 4 Dead, the 1 co-op game of Converting EXE files to Type msconfig. The strict format and familiar patterns of repeated build-up and climax have been smoothed over, replaced with free-flowing, organic levels where Valve begin to loosen their ties – suddenly more able to harness the feelings of surprise and delight that we’re more accustomed to seeing in their Half-Life games.

Yes, L4D2 really is its own game. And a bloody good one at that. You do, however, know the drill. First things first: there’s no doubt that your first moments in L4D2 will by and large comprise of racing up to zombies, taking their legs off with an axe and running around giggling. Whether you’re slashing with katana, cricket bat, frying pan, or have smoke trailing behind you from a blood-stained chainsaw – you just can’t help but chortle as neck stumps squirt scarlet arterial spray, femurs jut out of elbow lacerations and bloody amputations are doled out to the enraged horde.

Melee weapons live in the same slot as pistols you can’t carry both, even though all players are magically presented with firearms when incapacitated and each has a different slash speed, arc of impending zombie doom, and utterly brilliant board of crash, bang, wallop sound effects attached. The ultra-violence doesn’t stop with this new brand of up-close and personal weaponry. Midriffs are blasted open with shotguns leaving nothing but fresh air and an exposed spine; businessmen’s intestines are lovingly draped over the environment, spilling out behind them as they chase after you; explosive ammo sears off huge chunks of pallid flesh from a zombie’s posterior There are also a lot more zombies around; episodes average over 2, of the screaming buggers running towards you with mischief in mind – about 1, more than you’d come across in L4D -which goes to underline both Valve’s successful engine tinkering and the added intensity.

As for the new special infected, well they’re marvellous creations, all built to mess with co-op tactics that you’ve been carefully honing over the past year. The Spitter – a sag-mouthed lady who trails a glowing green strand of drool – gobs buckets of corrosive mucus all over the place, meaning that it’s far trickier for you and your team to bunch up and hold out in the game’s various public conveniences and outhouses.

The Charger, a lumbering mini-Tank, pelts at you like a bull at a matador -grabbing the first survivor he comes across and carrying them off through the level with the firm intention of repeatedly slamming them into the ground, while anyone else in his way is hurled away like fleshy skittles.

Finally, the Jockey is designed to pick off waifs and strays that wander away from the party, or perhaps those survivors who relentlessly charge off ahead. Leaping on their backs, Jockeys take control of characters and ride them mercilessly into harm’s way – whether that harm comes in the form of a deadly drop, a pit of fire or the clutches of a nearby Witch.

On top of these every campaign has its own brand of zombie built to force you into ever more panicked situations. The carnival Clown’s squeaking shoes lead parades of animated flesh around the level; SWAT zombies are shielded and can only be shot from behind; infected in Hazmat suits can’t be set on fire; construction worker deadheads wear ear-mufflers and as such are immune to the charms of a lobbed beep-grenade.

All of this messes with the established “If X happens, then throw Y” rules that have grown around L4D. Even the most hallowed of L4D rules, the one that simply states “Set the Tank on fire. Set the Tank on fire right now”, has been subtly messed with by the sheer number of water-centric levels.

In this case a glob of waterproof Boomer bile is far more likely to do the trick – turning the assembled zombies against their muscled Goliath. Finally, and best of all, all the Witch avoidance schemes you’ve built up have now been rendered null and void. Newly unanchored, the wandering crone is now as terrifying as the first time you met her – all the time. The sudden and unexpected moments of danger as you turn a corner and see her spindly form sidling directly towards you are on a whole new level of excitable terror -herding your happy band of survivalists away from her and into various cowering positions around the level.

Despite the variety of locations on show in the original L4D, it can’t be denied that it il was also heavy on the nocturnal concrete. Well, no more: the environments in which you’ll fight are now vividly different in appearance and design. On a surface level, no end of gloss is provided by the game’s Deep South themes – whether you’re fighting poverty-struck shirtless hick zombies in ‘gator country, or fending off rabid pedestrians amidst the bright curving architecture of New Orleans.

On a similar note the way that the chronological episodes track day through into night and back out again gives each one a markedly different ambience, alongside moments of visually-scripted beauty -like charging zombies silhouetted against the bright rays of the setting sun. The variations in environments aren’t purely cosmetic though.

Some areas, such as graveyards or hedge-filled parks, change their layouts each time you play, while most levels are not only peppered with far more nooks and crannies to explore, but also provide alternate routes you could follow – whether over rooftops, through side-corridors or around the sides of buildings.

Also certain locations have been earmarked by Valve to showcase a specialised forms of danger. A scrap-yard full of cars becomes a hazard run of potential alarms that can be set off by stray bullets. Here, a gaggle of the wandering death-bringers could be anywhere, and are generally everywhere. Most impressive of all though are the brilliantly envisioned environmental effects that merge seamlessly with the gameplay – whether you’re choking in the smoke of a burning hotel in the earliest episode, or trying to make out friend and foe through the torrential rain that thunders around you in the Hard Rain.

Indeed, even this goes beyond the role of an occasional scripted effect -tying into the level by having weather monkey around with the entire structure of the episode it perforates. A town you’ve already pushed through and probably used up all of the health packs in has to be navigated again on a return journey – but is now waist-deep in rising water and entirely more thrilling to navigate.

Alongside some immaculately designed mini-boss and finale areas – notably a colonial mansion and an arena decked out for a pyrotechnic rock gig – there’s also a fresh emphasis on areas in which you simply have to leg it.

These gauntlets cover anything from racing through a shopping mall to turn off an alarm to haring over a car-strewn bridge in New Orleans to a helicopter pick-up, pursued by enough Infected to populate Brighton.

This play style creates some brilliant moments of selfish self-preservation, ‘No man gets left behind! I’m not going to lie.

Imiss the old cast. Well, specifically I miss Zoey. Lovely Zoey. I am, however, willing to accept that this is a side-effect of the tender familiarity I have with the old team, rather than any perceived deficit with the new. After all, with an additional 2, lines of amusing and contextually-guided dialogue on top of the amount catered for by the original L4D, there’s little doubt that with repeated plays well grow to love Ellis, Coach, Rochelle and Nick as much we did the originals.

Ellis the Redneck, above all, is utterly hysterical – NASCAR-obsessed and uncultured, yet simultaneously eminently lovable and sharp-witted, he’s the instant hit, while the others are slower-bum affairs that prove more complex and intricate than the black guy, old white guy, biker, woman archetypes provided last time round.



Download left 4 dead 2 for pc setup exe kickass.Left 4 Dead 2 Download

Left 4 dead 2 free download. Get new version of Left 4 dead 2. Fighting off a horde of Zombies has never been this fun before! Left 4 Dead 2 Free Download (The Last Stand & ALL DLC’s) PC game in a pre-installed direct link. Download the game instantly and play without installing. Release: Developer: Valve OS: 7, 8, 10 (bit) Processor: Pentium 4 Ghz Graphics: with video memory of at least Mb, with support for Shader.


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Left 4 Dead 2 Free Download PC game in a pre-installed Repack-Games. with Windows 7 (in the properties of the file replace.me). Download Left 4 Dead 2 for free. Left 4 Dead 2 – Set in the zombie apocalypse, Left 4 Dead 2 (L4D2) is the highly anticipated sequel to the.

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