About US

Who We Are

Sri Lanka Association for Child Development

Sri Lankan Association for Child Development (SLACD) is the first multi-disciplinary professional organization in Sri Lanka dedicated towards child development and disability.

The purpose of the SLACD is to promote, facilitate and support advancement of knowledge, skills, research and interest in child development and developmental disorders in children. The SLACD strives to apply these to improve for the welfare of children concerned, their families and the community through various educational programmes, community activities and service development.

The story of our logo

The ‘bud’ in the cage represents all the developmentally challenged children in Sri Lanka. The blooming flower which has broken through the cage but shares the same stem symbolizes the freedom, upliftment of all children to ‘bloom’ to their full potential.

Design – Miss. Navangi de Silva
Graphics – Mr. Nirmal Borukgama


— Our Mission​

To promote, facilitate and support advancement of knowledge and skills (and research) for the welfare of children, their families and the community.

— Our Vision​

To Create a World Where Every Child Matters

Our council
