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This game’s perfect for newbies and nostalgic knights of Zelda who are playing to satisfy a ten-year-old need to know how it’s hanging in Hyrule. This also categorizes the kind of people who will like Zelda and those who won’t Those on the “won’t” side include gamers who become easily bored with dungeon-dwelling as well as their extreme opposites: Those who think that dungeon-dwelling should be so realistic that you can smell the dirt.
Everyone in between will love this game–and that’s a lot of gamers. The Zelda hardcore will be jazzed to know that this game is a prequel to the series.
Link starts out as a child, hacking and slashing his way to the Hyrule Royal Family in some minor skirmishes with simple enemies. The first third of the game see our walk-through,”Long Live the Link! There are three main dungeons to contend with, each progressively harder and more complex. In this first trimester of his life, Link gradually learns skills and powers that he’ll use later on.
Link’s awakening happens when he transforms into a young teen. At this point with the help of some timetraveling sub-stories Link gains different abilities, like carrying stronger weapons and shields, fighting much tougher enemies, and exploring deeper, darker, danker dungeons.
By the time Link grows into manhood for the last third of the game, were talking serious bosses, ass-kicking enemies, and dungeons so complex they make the labyrinths of Hell look like high school which it probably was for a lot of us.
Fans of the series will be comforted on their journey by lots of familiar items ; and enemies, like the trusty boomerang, the sword, and the shield, as well as the Dodongos, the Octoroks, and other Ganon-commanded baddies.
Even evil Ganon himself called Ganondorf in this prequel gets a makeover, trading in the pigsuit for armor and a haircut And while most of the action involves wielding sword and shield and solving lots of little puzzles with skills like torchlighting and bomb-placing you’ll also seek out warps, shortcuts, magic, and Zelda-style adventure.
The Legend of Zelda is bigger. Ocarina keeps the legend alive. Some effects are spectacular, and the character graphics are above average. Visually, Legend of Zelda shines even though there’s little else in this game that hasn’t appeared somewhere on some N64 game before. Putting so many different weapons on only three buttons means lots of switching between the menus, and targeting flying enemies is harder than Ganon’s heart. But novices will learn quicldy, and old-school Linksters will adapt to the controls easily.
Nintendo has finally dispelled the myth that the N64 is incapable of producing high-quality sound. Good thematic music throughout and audio surprises during gameplay make Zelda superior sonic fare. Best of all, the game features all the great original Zelda sound effects. This is Zelda supreme. It’s fun. One hitch, however, is that the skill level gets progressively harder–so hard that casual gamers might give up rather quickly.
Another glitch is game depth, which doesn’t match other stellar N64 titles like Banjo-Kazooie. N64 gamers are rightfully hungering for some role-playing action, and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time appears ready to deliver.
Even in its preview form, Zelda looks like it’s going to be an epic tour de force. Be prepared to make a commitment. This game is huge, threatening to bust the meg cart at the seams. As Link, you’ll travel through the land of Hyrule at Princess Zelda’s behest, attempting to solve the mystery of the Triforce before the evil Canondorf can subvert its power.
Even in this preview version, the graphics create an impressive-looking world with a dizzying variety of terrain and environments. You’ll traverse vast plains, wade through underground rivers, climb steep mountain passes, explore dense forests, and much more.
Zelda’s character pics kick, too. The bosses and sub-bosses are massive and very weird-looking. You run into scores of imaginatively designed races of creatures, like spiders with human faces.
Yes, you’ll probably get lost, but you’re likely to enjoy every moment of it. Zelda fires up a mighty mix of gameplay, too. You’ll be able to rotate the game cam degrees and play Link from any angle as you fight weird monsters and tackle intricate puzzles.
A cool combat-targeting system lets you lock on to an enemy and launch precise attacks even as you circle degrees around it. In the version we played, a user-friendly inventory system handled the many weapons, items, magic objects, and treasures with ease.
Beyond the usual sword swinging and shield hefting, you’ll fire a slingshot with a slick sniper targeting view a la GoldenEye, which you can use to trip switches and to fight foes. You also have to play an ocarina; the tunes you blow will unveil secrets and help you communicate with certain characters. You even learn how to ride a horse. Zelda’s deep, engaging fantasy action could hold you spellbound for weeks. I can’t say I’m surprised in the least at how incredible Zelda: Ocarina of Time turned out to be.
I’ve always had extremely high expectations for the Zelda games, and I’ve never been let down once. Why should things be any different this time? Once again Shigeru Miyamoto and the wizards at Nintendo have delivered a truly epic gaming experience that no one should be allowed to miss.
The game’s creators have managed to take everything that was great about the 2D Zelda games–the exploration, the puzzles, the dungeons, the loads of hidden secrets, etc. The game’s beautifully detailed world is so vast and immersive that you’ll find yourself constantly losing track of the real world. The controls are excellent, too. The auto-jump feature helps add to the immersiveness it’s far better than I expected it to be , and Z-Targeting makes combat a snap.
You’ll have no problems with the game’s length, either. It’ll take an average gamer about 40 hours to beat, and trust me–there’ll always be something to do, even after you’ve finished the game.
I do have a couple of minor fanboy-ish gripes, but I’ll get into them some other time when I have more space. This game packs amazing visuals, beautiful music, a superbly crafted story and rock-solid gameplay, but what amazes me most about Zelda is just how satisfied I felt after beating it. I mean, it delivers on so many levels. Aside from the epic quest, you get so many little side jobs and puzzles that you’ll never get bored.
And the dungeons are masterpieces of level design. Heck, even watching the sun rise over Hyrule fills me with awe. This is a legendary game. Everything Zelda offers–the engaging story, the vast areas to explore, the beautiful music–you wouldn’t believe could fit on a cart.
There’s not one gamer to whom I wouldn’t recommend Ocarina of Time. While it isn’t perfect controls take a little getting used to, graphics aren’t up to Banjo’s standards , Zelda has worlds of gameplay going for it. This is one of gaming’s best. Do not I repeat DO NOT miss it. Graphics: wonderful. Sound: glorious. Controls: perfect. Atmosphere: incredible.
Is it the finest game ever made? Quite possibly. Only Miyamoto seems to be able to bring out the kid that lives deep down inside everyone, allowing you to enjoy his games exactly as he intended. It’s an incredibly enjoyable experience, impossible to play for short periods of time With development headed up by Shigeru Miyamoto, it probably packs more gameplay innovations than the rest of the games in this feature put together.
If you’ve been reading recent issues of EGM, you’re up to speed on much of the information that has gently trickled from Nintendo. Many of the specific details are still shrouded in secrecy. Yet we have been able to track down some new screen shots and information. As we’ve said before, it’s Zelda’s subtleties–aside from the obvious graphical excellence of the game–that will truly set this apart from any other action RPG. The oft-reported horse scene is unique in itself, but most importantly it’s the control system that will become a milestone in RPG history.
The simplicity of its design, allowing action buttons to be context sensitive while also allowing a camera “lock-on” to make viewing the battles easier will no doubt be copied in other “Zelda wanna-bes” before the end of the year. Since we last reported on the game in issue , we’ve seen that there are now weapons unique to the differently aged Links. While the older Link makes use of his sword and shield, as well as a bow and arrow, young Link has a boomerang weapon that only he can use.
We’ve also found that the variety of attacks Link can perform on his enemies will have differing effects on what object is revealed once the assailant is destroyed. We have also learned that the Rumble Pak will be used to startling effect throughout the game.
Rather than simply throbbing away and occasionally jolting you during fights, it will be used to convey Link’s surroundings in a way similar to ” Snowboarding previewed on page 30 this month. Differences in the terrain texture will be passed through to the player via subtle changes to the hummings that emanate from the Pak. If any RPG can be described as “revolutionary” then this is it. While other games in this feature are here because of their different approaches to story, setting and combat, Zelda takes a tried, tested and familiar formula and turns it on its head.
Now, if only they’d announce the official U. The playable version at the show featured many areas never seen before, as well as some new items and Bosses. Take a look at the first screens of the Hook Shot right , as well as Phantom Ganon below , one of the new Bosses revealed at the show. The game is due for release on Nov. To the left here are several screens of one of the areas of the game that apparently obviously takes place inside a giant monster of some sort. Below we see the Tree of Deku, where the game’s first main objective lies.
As you can see, the graphics in Z64 are just phenomenal. Without a doubt this is going to be THE game to own in Was I right to be worried that Zelda wouldn’t live up to its hype? I should have had more faith. This heady concoction of fairies, time travel and chickens is everything I expected it to be, and more. The only problem is that it’s so good you’ll probably finish it far quicker than you wanted to.
Playing this at ECTS was enough to convince me that Zelda is up there with Mario as one of those sensational games you only ever see on the N The control system, the graphics, the vast amount of incredible new ideas People will be talking about it for years. Both times, Miyamoto’s three year opera of pointy hats was enough to convince me of one thing: Zelda is the best game on the N I first played a version of the game at last year’s Tokyo Space World show and even back then it looked amazing.
I’ve not played the finished cart yet, but I’m prepared to take Wil’s word for it. Can’t wait. Well, I’ve never had the chance to play it but who couldn’t be pulled in by the hype.
Never has a game been so eagerly anticipated and I’m certain that Miyamoto and his team’ll deliver an absolute masterpiece. Oh, come on. If you think that this isn’t going to be the best thing since, will, Super Mario 64 , then you’re quite possibly mad. Having annoyed the punters at ECTS by refusing to budge from the one machine that it was playing on, I can confirm that it’s No, stop shaking your head, it’s here.
It’s really here. But can it possibly be The Best Came Ever? Oh, now there’s a question. Legend and an interview from a couple of years back would have us believe that Nintendo’s star game designer and Mario’s dad – Shigeru Miyamoto – always Intended Zelda to be a 3D game. Only technology had ever prevented him from realising his grand vision in hree dimensions.
But now the crunch has come. With a whopping Mbit cart to play around with, and everyone bar the office sushi lady chucking in their ten yen’s worth. Shigs finally has the chance to show the world just what his fevered imagination is capable of – and prove that Super Mario 64 won’t be his only great technical and gaming milestone.
Has he done it? Can you still hold your head high, safe in the knowledge that, despite all the delays and hype, your faith in Nintendo making the best games in the world has been thoroughly justified? The only way to find out is to turn the page, sit back and prepare to enter a world of magic, danger, fairies and plenty of chickens. Okay, so how many of you have already skipped six pages ahead to see the final score? Feel cheated that there are none of our usual magical numbers and percentages to base that all important purchasing decision on as if you aren’t going to buy it anyway?
Fear not, there’s a reason for this, and for the frst time in N64 Magazine’s history it involves us splitting a review over two issues. Courtesy of Nintendo Europe, and live from their base deep in the German countryside it’s okay, though, we were allowed to sit inside , we frantically tried to experience as much of the game as possible.
And while we obviously didn’t feel it was fair to write a review and give a final score based on only one day with Link and co. Next month the whole team will be getting in on the act and we’ll have had long enough in Hyrule to give you the definitive review.
You also won’t find any of the ‘go here, get this’ style playing tips that we often print in N64 Magazine reviews: we’re deliberately keeping everything as much under wraps as possible Apart from the fact that even at the time of writing Miyamoto and his many minions were still busy finalising the placement of the game’s many items.
Zelda is very much a game of discovery And after waiting as long as we all have, the last thing we want to do is spoil anyone’s fun, even before you’ve slotted the cartridge in for the first time. Return To Follyfoot: You may not be able to ride Epona the horse until later in the game but Zelda’s title sequence gives you a tantalising glimpse of the equestrian treats that await would you believe they actually built a mock-up pony to help with motion capture?
See Link as he gallops majestically across the Hyrulian landscape. See Epona rear up triumphantly like something out of an old Lloyds Bank advert. Don’t, however, see link knee-deep in horsey poop at the end of the day after a particularly strenuous canter.
Mistily atmospheric rather than togged to save on processor power , Kokiri Forest has been home to Link for a good many years, even though he’s Hylian rather than a native Kobold it’s all explained in the story, see.
It’s here that you start your adventures and where you’re gently introduced to the controls and techniques that you’ll need to play the game. You should make the most of this training’ level, and talk to everyone. You won’t be able to leave until you’ve discovered certain important items. The single most important addition to Zelda’s first N64 adventure has got to be fairies. Previously relegated to life-giving extras, they now play a significant part in the legend and you don’t even need to beep them in a bottle.
If you’ve been following our coverage in previous issues you’ll know that the most important fairy of all is Link’s very own Tinkerbell – Navi. Not only does she show whether or not there’s danger nearby by glowing different colours but she’s a constant source of information and hints, attracting your attention with a chirpy “Hey listen! A quick tap on Top-C will then bring up whatever she’s got to say. Despite an initially bewildering array of options.
Link’s control system is – as you would expect from Nintendo – surprisingly simple to learn. It’s also the first time you begin to realise just how much thought has gone into the game. The genius that is the context- sensitive A’ button makes sure that there’s no fiddling about with awkward commands that you don’t need all the time – if you’re near someone it’ll change to speak, climb a ladder and it’ll give you the option to drop down, pick up a rock and pressing A’ will throw it.
As big bits of wood with faces go, the ancient Deku Tree is a pretty active lump of lumber. This old man Kokiri Forest gives you your first tasks, kick-starts the story off by relating the origin of the Triforce, and provides the first proper dungeon level of the game. Books Video icon An illustration of two cells of a film strip. Video Audio icon An illustration of an audio speaker. Audio Software icon An illustration of a 3. Software Images icon An illustration of two photographs.
Images Donate icon An illustration of a heart shape Donate Ellipses icon An illustration of text ellipses. Metropolitan Museum Cleveland Museum of Art. Internet Arcade Console Living Room. Books to Borrow Open Library. Search the Wayback Machine Search icon An illustration of a magnifying glass. Sign up for free Log in. EMBED for wordpress.
Zelda pc download kostenlos deutsch. Zelda Classic
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What do you think about Zelda Classic? Do you recommend it? Download Zelda Classic for free to be able to play the classic Legend of Zelda once again. As a technology journalist with over 12 years of experience in the world of software and apps, I have had the opportunity to try all kinds of devices and operating systems over the years. Much of Zelda 64’s story is still being kept under wraps. As a young member of the Kokiri family, Link sets out to receive his guardian fairy at his clan’s customary coming-of-age ceremony, when he stumbles across an injured fairy a dark message: Don’t let the man named Gannondorf gain control of the Triforce.
As the story goes, Ganon is still an ordinary man and hasn’t yet become the evil SOB that you’ve come to know and hate in past Zelda games. The goal is to prevent him from getting ahold of the Triforce and turning into that monster, and to successfully achieve that goal, Link will have to travel through time–a first for the Zelda series.
The game’s short-but-sweet intro sequence which most likely wasn’t finished yet at the show begins with a young Link approaching Hyrule Castle at night in the pouring rain remind you of a previous Zelda game? Suddenly he hears a noise and runs off to the side of the castle drawbridge to hide.
As the castle gates swing open, a beautiful white horse–ridden by a Hyrulian guard and the young Princess Zelda–comes galloping out of the castle at full speed, as if being chased by someone. After they take off, Link walks out to the center of the drawbridge to see what happened, only to come face to face with Zelda’s pursuer, also on horseback. As you can imagine, the pursuer is none other than Ganon err, at this point his name is Gannondorf, a mere young thief , and as you can also imagine–he looks awesome.
As Link and Ganon glance upon each other for the first time, the camera heads off into the stars, setting the mood for the long adventure that’s about to take place. The version displayed on the Space World show floor was about 70 percent complete, but it was set up so that you could only try certain portions of the game through special “Tours” that were selectable on the Main Menu Screen.
The three Tours, the Hyrule Tour, the Dungeon Tour and the Battle Tour, each showcased different areas of the game and let anxious showgoers get a good taste of the variety of different play styles in the game without having to play through the entire game to see them. Before we get into the Tours, though, let’s take a look at Zelda 64’s control setup.
Zelda’s control setup has obviously been very well thought out. Movement is similar to Mario 64, and while Link may not be able to perform Mario’s infamous “Butt Stomp,” his arsenal of moves and abilities far surpasses anything the stout plumber could even dream of. Pressing Start will bring you to a subscreen that is broken up into four separate areas, each with different info.
There’s a Map Screen to show the Field or Dungeon Maps , an Item Screen where you can select your items, as well as view which Medals you’ve collected so far , an Equip Screen where you can equip Link in four different areas–Sword, Shield, Clothes and Boots and finally a Magic Screen that displays the magic spells you’ve collected so far.
Back at the top of the Main Screen, there are icons for each of the main buttons–B, A and the bottom three C buttons. The Top C button is used for camera control. Indoors, it changes to an overhead view that lets you see things from above, while outdoors it switches you to a first-person view so you can look up, down and all around Link. The A button is used for Link’s sword which can be upgraded at least twice during play. To unsheathe your sword, you press A once. To use it, you’d press A again.
To put it back, you press B. Of course, there are various moves you can pull off with your sword, like charging it up, doing the old Whirling Blade technique and more. You can even put away your Shield for a more powerful though harder to handle Sword later in the game that requires two hands to wield.
Speaking of Link’s Shield, the R button is used to control it, while the L button is used for Options such as bringing up the transparent map in dungeons, etc. Next up is the multifaceted B button, whose usage depends on the situation you’re in. Above the icon on top of the screen is some text that changes as B’s function changes. For example, if you approach someone, B will be used to “Talk” to that person.
If you walk up to a treasure chest, B will change to “Open. There are several uses in all, and the ease of use makes it much easier to become immersed in the game without having to worry about which button does what. You’ll be able to jump with the B button as well usually when holding down the Z button to maintain a specific camera angle , but there will be several cases where the game will auto-jump small pits and the like for you, so you can concentrate on more important matters.
Finally there’s the all-important and completely innovative Z Trigger button. The Z Trigger is used to “lock-on” to objects and enemies and basically anything in the game you can interact with , so that Link can approach it and check it out without you losing sight of his surroundings. For example, in battle with the 3-D viewpoint, it would be very tough to maintain a clear view of the action if you’ve got Link jumping and ducking, slashing and dodging, etc.
So, to fix this problem, you simply hold down Z to lock on to your enemy so you can always see where it is, while still maintaining full control over Link. It’s an amazingly simple idea that works surprisingly well. Battles are now a treat to participate in AND to watch, and you’ll have no problem becoming completely immersed in Zelda’r 3-D world because of this ingenious little addition to the control setup.
The first of the three Tours on the demo was the Hyrule Tour. The Hyrule Tour gave you four locations to start from, including Link’s House, the Hyrule overworld, a River area and outside the castle-riding Link’s horse.
The different scenarios took place at different times of the day too, showcasing the game’s progressive time feature. When you first exit Link’s house, you’ll probably be blown away by the beautiful world that unfolds before your eyes.
Local villagers will explain the game’s basics to you, while your guardian fairy, Navie, will lead you toward any important objects or locations like the signpost near Link’s house, for example. The overworld and river areas yes, Link can swim, too are merely other places of Hyrule to explore. There are huge mountains, narrow valleys, dark caves-you name it, it’s there. In the demo, you could explore the town the game is only going to have one main town, similar to Zelda: A Link to the Past , which has several different interesting viewpoints, depending on what area of the town you’re in.
Then of course there’s the horse scene. There wasn’t too much to do in the demo, but you could mount Link’s horse and ride around the Reids near the Castle, jumping over small fences and hills and trotting around to get used to the control.
The Dungeon Tour allowed you to start at one of three dungeon scenarios, each of which was a little bit different from the other. Like previous Zelda games, there are traps and puzzles in the dungeons, and there’s a slick map system which resides at the bottom corner of the screen that can be toggled on and off. There are huge pits and obstacles, Treasure Chests and keys and, of course, as you’ll read about next–Bosses. Ahh, the Battle Tour. Certainly the most impressive aspect of the Space World demo by far, the Battle Tour let you try your hand at three different Boss battles–against Ghoma,.
Dodongo and Stalfos. The Stalfos battle is fairly simple–you fight against two huge Stalfos Knights in a big room, simply hacking and slashing until all that’s left is you and two piles of bones. The Ghoma and Dodongo battles, however, are truly a sight to behold. Without spoiling too much, let’s just say the cinematics before, during and after the battles are incredible, and the actual creatures themselves look amazing.
Clearly battling in Zelda 64 is going to be quite a treat–both in terms of gameplay and visual splendor. This ties in to the central plot of the story, with the Ocarina of Time. The Ocarina will allow Link to travel through time, but the exact details of how, why and when are still a bit cloudy. We do know that a place called the Tower of Time plays a big part in all of this, and we also know that the two different Links young and old can wield different weapons, some exclusive to their respective forms.
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Determined to bring the game to PC, developer Harbor Masters got his way. Its unofficial zelda pc download kostenlos deutsch is now available. Excellent news for fans of the franchise who will be able to rediscover the game brought up to date thanks to HD graphics and ultra-wide resolution. Увидеть больше more, the port supports keyboard, modding, and even gyro aiming.
Reviewer: MS. Special thanks to the person who uploaded it Community Collections.